JCTerm - SSH2 Terminal Emulator in Pure Java

JCTerm(JCraft's Term) is a pure Java VT100 terminal emulator for SSH2.
This terminal emulator also allows you to enjoy port forwarding, X11 forwarding, etc.
JCTerm is licensed under GNU LGPL and easily integrated into your programs.


The current JCTerm has the following features.

  • JCTerm requires JSch 0.1.48 or later.
  • JCTerm runs on JDK 1.3 or previous, J2ME/CDC and J2ME/CLDC/MIDP2.0 by using JSch for J2ME.
  • SSH2 protocol support.
  • Userauth: password, public-key
  • X11 forwarding
  • connection through HTTP proxy.
  • connection through SOCKS5 proxy.
  • local/remote port forwarding.
  • characters are anti-aliased.
  • sftp support
  • packet compression support
  • inputting multibyte characters, for exmaple, by MS-IME
    Current implemetation only supprts "EUC-JP" characters.
  • displaying multibyte characters
    Current implemetation only supprts "EUC-JP" characters.
  • JCTerm can run on SWT witout AWT and Swing.
  • JCTerm supports OpenSSH's ssh-agent and Putty's Pageant.
  • JCTerm is licensed under GNU LGPL.

How To Try

Please refer to README file.

On-Line Demo

On-Line demo is available at http://wiredx.net/jcterm/.
On this page, the digitally signed JCTerm applet is provided and you can try JCTerm on the web browser and Java(TM) Web Start. In starting this program, you will receive a Java Security prompt asking to deny/grant to run. This program is digitally signed by JCraft,Inc, whose certificate has been issued by Thawte.

JCTerm Plug-in for Eclipse

Here is JCTerm Plug-in for Eclipse available.

JCTerm on J2ME/CDC

JCTermJ2MECDC is the port of JCTerm to J2ME/CDC platform. To enjoy it, you need JSch for J2ME/CDC. This version will also run on J2SE 1.3 or previous. We have heard that this program is running on the following devices.

  • SHARP Zaurus SL-C700
  • SHARP Zaurus SL-C760
    The binary for this device is available at http://j2me.jsch.org/.


JCTermMIDP is the port of JCTerm to J2ME/CLDC/MIDP2.0 platform. To enjoy it, you need JSch for J2ME/CLDC/MIDP2.0. JCTermMIDP's jar/jad files and screenshot are available here. Current version supports password and public-key authentication. We have heard that this midlet is running on the following device.

  • Motorola c650


  • jcterm-0.0.11.zip(77,299 bytes)
    md5sum:    26e826d14566fdaec63d86e756bb4634   jcterm-0.0.11.zip
  • The souce code is hosted on GitHub.


  • VT100 emulation is incomplete.

Credits and Acknowledgements

JCTerm has been developed by ymnk.

Comments/suggestions are accepted at ymnk@jcraft.com.

``SSH is a registered trademark and Secure Shell is a trademark of SSH Communications Security Corp (www.ssh.com)''.